
The concept of this jam was to build a game around one simple core mechanic; I chose a basic matching game with a short time limit and an RPG-like veneer.  As I put together the first draft I wasn't sure it would turn out very well, but after I refined the gameplay and started making the art assets, it kind of fell into place.  For a week's worth of work I'm fairly happy with how it turned out; it plays fast, it's fun (I think) in a trancey sort of way, and the presentation actually came out pretty well.  

A small wishlist of features that I didn't have time for, but may implement later on:

- Some little twists to the gameplay, so that there's more to it than just a long series of 5-hitters.  This could also raise the difficulty in ways other than just making it faster.

- More combat backdrops and monster parts, for variety. 

- Try out the new Unity input system, which is supposed to work better for cross-platform input, and add in-game resolution and control options so I can get rid of the launcher.

- Maybe some music.

Get The _____ Blocks Your Path!

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