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Minerva Labyrinth
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Demo Work
February 23, 2025
Midnight Spire Games
I have spent most of the last few weeks on presentation and polish, since I want to have a reasonably polished demo available in the near future. This includes things like getting the Steam page up an...
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Trailer + almost there
February 04, 2025
Midnight Spire Games
Here's a short trailer for Minerva Labyrinth! We are not too far from the finish line. The migration to Godot is complete, and content is very close to complete. There is a bit of work left to do on t...
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Update on Godot Migration
October 31, 2024
Midnight Spire Games
How about a quick update for Halloween? I had to take a lengthy hiatus from the project this year, but it is back on track and going well. The migration from Unity to Godot is not finished yet, but I...
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Progress with Godot
November 09, 2023
Midnight Spire Games
This is just a quick status report of where I am with Godot after about six weeks of work porting from Unity . Here's a summary of the major components that are done, or close to it: Player movement a...
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Where We Are
October 21, 2023
Midnight Spire Games
A few weeks ago, Unity made some catastrophically bad business decisions that severely impacted all of its users. As a result, even though Minerva Labyrinth is reasonably far into development, I have...
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First Gameplay Footage
July 29, 2023
Midnight Spire Games
Here's a look at a few minutes of gameplay from the first true dungeon - the old hospital building. The party is still quite weak at this stage of the game, with poor equipment and little experience...
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The Unexpected Hassles of Colorful Text
April 30, 2023
Midnight Spire Games
Something different today. I had a somewhat silly time implementing a small feature and thought I'd log what happened, since it was an amusing reminder that simple things aren't always simple. There's...
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Building a Dungeon Crawler in Unity - Part I
January 07, 2023
Midnight Spire Games
A while back I posted a devlog showing how I design levels on paper before building them in Unity. This time I thought I'd talk a bit about how I actually build them. I don't normally talk much about...
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Bosses, encounters, and other bits
July 20, 2022
Midnight Spire Games
Level 8 is the first level of the third labyrinth. I have it laid out on paper, but I'm not quite ready to start implementing it yet. Instead, I'm finishing up level 6 and 7 and taking care of some ot...
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Brief Progress Update and Designing on Paper
July 04, 2022
Midnight Spire Games
Unfortunately this year has been even more difficult than the last, so it has been a while since I had any progress to report, but I am getting back to work now. I've completed the sixth dungeon level...
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Second Dungeon
February 27, 2022
Midnight Spire Games
Just a quick update with a few screenshots of the second major dungeon, the steel mill. This dungeon isn't as friendly as the first, with more traps, tougher obstacles, and of course, deadlier monster...
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Early playtesting
January 05, 2022
Midnight Spire Games
I recently finished implementing the first real dungeon (following the tutorial zone), and I spent a few days playtesting it. I don't want to put too fine a point on playtesting at this stage, but I a...
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Announcing Minerva Labyrinth, a magical girl dungeon crawl
December 07, 2021
Midnight Spire Games
2021 did not go as planned. I had to put game development on hold for the first half of the year to recover from RSI in my wrists. I was able to get back to it around June, but after working on my new...
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